Friday, February 11, 2011

People don't take trips, trips take people....

So here I am, finally! Feeling a bit like the last person on the planet to start a blog & perhaps the one that should've started one six months ago upon abandoning my job, friends, and seemingly perfect life for a life on the road. Anyway better late than never right? Now well into my voyages I find the time & enough wifi to at lease start my travel blog.....
Depending on where you go in the world you experience many different cultures, some similar, some very  unsimilar to which your accustomed. Starting my adventures in Europe was beautiful but a culture very much like the one I had just left behind in comparison, at least in a sense of eating, sleeping, transportation, & restroom facilities etc.... Don't get me wrong I love Europe but as a youngster I never dreamed of Europe or westernized counties. I imagined continents around the nation where children were raised by their parents: barefoot, streetwise & unaffected by whether they get an ice cream that day or even a meal at all. I yearned to go to places far from home not only in distance but in habitat.
Asia, southeast in particular had been at the top of my list since I was about 10 years old I believe, when I read everything my big sister put in my hands and ran across a book entitled ''Backpacker'' the story of a girl traveling SE Asia. Immediately the seed was planted. Now again don't get me wrong I thought of Asia many times over the next several years but never turned down the opportunity to go ANYWHERE. Also being the spontaneous (sometimes too spontaneous) individual that I am I never planned anything. I hopped on a plane with no idea where I was going or where I'd end up & with no reservations or even a Lonely Planet at my side. Some backpackers would say this is the ultimate sin, considering it is actually referred to as the ''Bible.'' Somehow, however the universe conspired in helping me to set foot on Thailand soil only a few months after departing from the comfort of my boyfriends arms and our bungalow at home in Venice Beach.
To bring you up to speed & to the present I will skip Europe, UK, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, & Macao only to reflect back at a later date. I am absolutely stoked on sharing my stories of traveling the globe with you. Until next time live each day like what you do makes a difference, in my experience, it does.

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